Hearing loss can happen to people of all ages, though it’s more common in older adults. It’s important to understand hearing loss because it can help you manage it better and make adjusting easier. The most crucial thing is to get treatment. But why is getting your hearing aids fitted properly so important and what are the benefits you can gain from it?

Hearing Aid Fittings Ensure You’re Making the Right Choice

There are a wide range of hearing aid makes and models to choose from, including:

  • In-the-ear (ITE) hearing aids
  • Behind-the-ear (BTE) hearing aids
  • In-the-canal (ITC) hearing aids
  • Invisible-in-canal (IIC) hearing aids
  • Completely-in-canal (CIC) hearing aids

While your decision should ultimately be guided based upon the type of hearing loss you are experiencing, during a hearing aid fitting, you’ll be able to trial a range of different hearing aids. This will provide you with more insight into both their function and appearance, meaning that you will feel a lot more confident moving forward.

Hearing aid fittings can also help you to determine whether you will wear a hearing aid in one ear, or both. Depending on the results on your hearing test, your audiologist will help you choose the right hearing aids for you and ensure they support the level of hearing loss you are experiencing.

Hearing Aid Fittings Improve Comfort Levels

Various studies cite discomfort when wearing hearing aids as one of the key reasons why people stop or avoid wearing them. While this can take some getting used to, a hearing aid fitting can help to avoid these issues. This is because they’ll ensure that your hearing aids are made to fit you perfectly, no matter which device you choose. This level of customization minimizes discomfort and makes it easier to fit into your daily life.

Hearing Aid Fittings Provide You with Greater Peace of Mind

Experiencing any kind of hearing loss can be challenging if left untreated. However, when attending a hearing aid fitting, you have the opportunity to speak directly to an audiologist who can help alleviate any worries or concerns you may be experiencing during this time.

For example, they can talk you through the process of choosing the right hearing aids based on a variety of factors, such as the severity of your hearing loss and your lifestyle. This means that you’ll feel confident when it comes to making your final decision. In order to ensure you receive as many benefits as possible from your hearing aids, they’ll also provide you with basic tips on how to wear, care for and maintain them.

If you are experiencing hearing loss, then reaching out to an audiologist is crucial. They’ll be able to provide you with more insight into your hearing health so that you’re able to make the best possible decision moving forward. They will also be able to conduct a hearing aid fitting, which will enable you to gain as many benefits as possible when wearing your hearing aids. If you want to learn more about hearing aid fittings, schedule an appointment with an audiologist.